The iodé Fairphone 4 is available @iodé!
You can now opt for the sustainable Fairphone 4 with 5G speed, 5-year warranty and electronic waste neutral combined with the ethical iodé system blocking ads & trackers.
iodéOS 2.4 rolled out
An Over-The-Air (OTA) update (2.4) is available with a new welcome screen that lets you:
- select which apps you want preinstalled, avoiding you to be locked in any ecosystem
- discover iodé’s data collection blocker
- check our news along with a Frequently-Asked-Questions section
New iodé documentation

We published a new documentation on how iodé’s ‘degoogled’ Operating System (iodéOS) protects your personal data.
iodéOS not only removes Google trackers from within Android but also automatically blocks data leakage from your apps. Actually, when it comes to identifying the vectors cybercriminals leverage to compromise mobile data, apps come first. Indeed, apps are trusted with sensitive personal and corporate data, while often being silently leaky or vulnerable to external threats. Therefore, running a firewall on your mobile is a must have in order to stay private & secure.
Our documentation walks you through a starter guide on iodé’s powerful firewall from which you can:
- see what malware, advertisers, spams, trackers etc.. are automatically blocked
- use different protection levels & block any recipient you want
- measure the data confidentiality degree by each of your apps
New supported language & 50€ off your next iodé order!
We are pleased to announce iodé is now available in German!
We have recently welcomed a new team member, Oliver, who will be helping you get your hands on your iodé phone. You can get 50€ off by using the coupon willkommen (available until the 31th May) on your next order 🙂!
What next?
You can contribute to iodé novelties by voting on our community poll!

Thank you for your trust in iodé.